Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hard to Say Day . . .

Four hours past Ideal Time . . .

Ups (last debate; party!), downs (Dodgers), and an overall gain in an otherwise late morning; not much to say beyond that . . .

Same with Charlotte's urine sample: the test came back negative, so there's no infection; that still doesn't explain bloody urine. Could be irritation that should go eventually go away, could be kidney/bladder stones, could be something else.

My most recent Usenet posts . . .:

Day by Day (10-5)

Doonesbury (10-12)

Re: 9CWL 14 Oct (maybe a little spoiler...)

Curtis (10-14)

[STRIPS] Sluggy Freelance - "Animaylee"

41 push ups . . .

'Til next time . . .

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