Monday, August 22, 2011

I'm 35 . . .

By age 32 . . .

I keep hearing, "by age 32, Alexander the Great had conquered most of the known world," or "at 32, Jesus Christ had started one of the world's most powerful religions." Well, people fail to mention something else they were at 32 . . . dead. (something about the brightest stars burning the fastest)

I counter with these two figures: at 32, Genghis Khan was still just leader of a small tribe, fighting and joining other tribes to forge what would eventually become the Mongol Horde. At 32, The Prophet Muhammad was just another Saudi merchant, years from entering caves where he would meditate, find new meaning in his life, and start one of the world's most powerful religions. Khan lived to be 65, Muhammad 62, very old men by the standards of their times.

I'm 35, I'm just getting started.



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