Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Aiming for 10 . . . in a Harsh Day . . . II!

Four hours and forty minutes past Ideal Time . . .

In a day that started so bad, I have sudden confidence I can finish it well. Even a four-minute power outage to really mess things up. Somehow I got back from it all; here's to a desperately needed good day tomorrow.

My most recent Usenet posts . . .:

[OT][STRIPS] Canadian Bacon - Men are Pigs, or How Lynn Johnston Was Screwed . . .

Re: Amtrak is LEAST Subsidized (was: Mallard Fillmore Sept 1-6, or, This Week in DS)

Re: [OT] ATTN: Ethan and Houston Area, safe?

100 crunches, and 1.6 miles walked . . .

'Til next time . . .

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