Thursday, October 23, 2008

Futility Inc. . . .

Four hours and forty minutes past Ideal Time . . .

This was the kind of day that tries me; after a lot of emo, I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm aware I'm going to bed late today, making an early get up tomorrow unlikely. The week, a week with great potential is ruined; oh well . . . Who knows, I might actually get something done tomorrow if I'm pessimistic enough; this week is what happens when I look forward to something. It never fails, the moment I look forward to/get optimistic about something, it becomes a guaranteed failure; I'm aware of how badly this bodes for my future, but I guess for some of us that's just the way it is; I literally can't afford to be confident.

Yes, I'm aware confidence is the most important thing women look for in men; yes, I have accepted I will spend the rest of my life in solitude, though, for someone as anti-social as me, that's actually a very good thing; yes, sexual satifaction will involve heavy use of my right hand, and possibly lots of money for good ol' legal prostitutes in Nevada.

Enough self-pity, back to the rest of my daily life . . . not much to say, really . . .

My most recent Usenet posts . . .:

GS/TS/Whatever (was re: DS - 22 October 2008)

Bizarro (10-22)

Re: Funimation 's aquired licenses

Re: Amtrak is LEAST Subsidized (was: Mallard Fillmore Sept 1-6, or, This Week in DS)

Re: DS Alert (States' Wrongs)

Re: The more I read about ADV, the "interesting" it gets... (Was: ADV, are they still around??)

100 crunches, and 1.6 miles walked . . .

'Til next time . . .

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